Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Modern Theories of Performance

"Modern Theories of Performance" in pdf format can be downloaded at this link temporarily.

The file size is approximately 60MB. The download process will take some times.

How to download the file?

1. Move your mouse pointer to "Download PDF file"
2. Click on your right mouse button and select "save file as" into your laptop.

Download PDF file

Monday, December 12, 2011

TESL Rockers Rock the Nights: 9 and 10 December 2011

Hi Rockers,

I am so proud of you people. You people smashed the rocks on both nights. I usually would be sitting back with evaluation sheets and pen but on those 2 nights I just want to absorb the emotions reverberating on stage and all around the hall. I laughed, i cried and there were times when the emotions were just too much. Rockers, thank you for the unforgettable semester. I LOVE you.